Friday, April 27, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “SLIPPING THROUGH”

SLIPPING THROUGH (2216), 36" x 24" x 3/4", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $35.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: I hate to get stuck on the same subject for too long, but the most wonderful thing happened the other day with the Leaving Things to be Found project. I went out for my evening walk and there on the mossy spot was the object I had left earlier in the day and beside it was the most beautiful little bouquet of flowers (mostly flowers and very little stem - so I am sure they were picked by a rather young person). They are now sitting in a juice cup upon my table. Touched by the Unending Kindness of People ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “BEING THERE”

BEING THERE (2215), 36" x 24" x 3/4", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $35.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: Well, my Leaving Things to be Found project just keeps getting better and better. Yesterday my doorbell rang and there was a young man standing there with the object from the moss asking me if it was mine and had I dropped it. Of course, I said, “no” and that I knew nothing about it. So, he was tickled and kept it and went on his way. Now, wasn’t that kind of him to see if I had dropped it - Still Amazed by People and their Kindness ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “ARE YOU ALONE”

ARE YOU ALONE (2214), 36" x 24" x 1.5", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $35.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: Well, another very exciting chapter in the “Leaving Things To Be Found” project. When I went for my walk yesterday, I noticed there was nothing to be found on the moss outside my home. So, I made a mental note to put something out there when I got back. Upon my return I was about 2 blocks away from my home and saw this jogger running by, he came to the mossy spot and stopped and bent down and then jogged off. When I got there I found the most exciting thing....Sitting on the moss was something I had left to be found many weeks before. Now, how exciting is that? It seems there are others joining in on the fun and making sure there is always something to be found - not only making exchanges, but now returning items so there is always something there. Still Loving This Project ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “PERFECT SEASON”

PERFECT SEASON (2213), 30" x 30" x 1.5", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $35.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: I wish rain was colored. That way when things were wet they would be the color of rain and it wouldn’t be quite so depressing as when they are just wet. Rain should be all of the colors of the rainbow and when things are wet they are the colors of the rainbow also. Wouldn’t that make a rainy day a little more bearable? I think I might actually look forward to the rain once in awhile. Dreaming Of Colorful Rainy Days ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “ETERNAL BLISS”

ETERNAL BLISS (2212), 24" x 20" x 3/4", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $25.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: I watched the movie Lake House a couple of nights ago and what a wonderful movie it is. I just love the concept of the movie - incredible! I suggest you all take the time to view it. You must pay attention as it can be rather confusing, but leave your mind open and fall into it. What a Delightful Concept To Get Lost In - Bonnie G. Morrow

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Acrylic Painting Abstract Orbs Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “POURING LOVE”

POURING LOVE (2211), 24" x 20" x 3/4", acrylics on museum quality stretched canvas with staple free sides painted black, no framing needed. $100.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $25.00) This is part of my Orbs / Angels Heaven series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: Well, spring is definitely here. The birds are all busy making nests. It is just a joy watching them all prepare for their new families. It brings to mind my favorite spring......One year this robin spent most of spring building her nest in our back yard. She wasn’t a very big then, but what a worker. She then had 3 babies and they cried a lot - Mom was constantly finding food and taking it up to the crying babies. What was the most fun was when it was time to learn to fly and find food. Flying day came and mom and all three babies came down to the ground. She was then encouraging them to fly back up to the nest. Well two of them did it without any problems, but then there was the third - I named him Baby Huey - he sat there and cried and cried and would not fly back up. He was the biggest baby of the bunch and I suspected he was the one who had been making all of the noise, as he was extremely vocal. Eventually she got him to go back up when she flew up there and left him on the ground, but not without a huge protest from him. Then time to learn to find your own food. They all came down and started to search, except for Baby Huey, he came down and just followed Mom and cried and cried. So, Mom would find a worm and take it to him and feed him, but he would not search for food. He was now at least twice the size of the other two babies. I suspected he was consuming almost all of the food that was brought to the nest. Anyway, it was a battle all summer for that poor mom. I often wonder how Baby Huey faired out in the real world without his Mom to feed him. Wondering about Baby Huey ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Oil Painting Abstract Cohen Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “TOWER OF SONG”

TOWER OF SONG (2210), 24" x 20" x 3/4", oils on museum quality stretched canvas framed with a black wooden frame. $215.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $25.00) This is part of my Leonard Cohen music inspired series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: I was over at my daughter’s house yesterday. They have this english bull dog that has no idea it is a dog. She thinks she is just one of the kids. Their youngest daughter, Sasha, loves to jump on the trampoline and so does the bulldog. Well, yesterday, they are both on the trampoline and when Sasha quit jumping and sat in the middle, the bull dog started to jump just to keep things bouncing. My daughter says she loves to bounce on the trampoline and the only way to keep her off it is to move the ladder away. Love That Bouncing Bull Dog ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Oil Painting Abstract Cohen Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “WAITING FOR THE MIRACLE”

WAITING FOR THE MIRACLE (2209), 14" x 11" x 3/4", oils on museum quality stretched canvas framed with a black wooden frame. $154.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $15.00) This is part of my Leonard Cohen music inspired series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: A little update on my project “Leaving Things To Be Found.” Well, the most exciting thing happened the other day. The thing I had left to be found was indeed found and replaced with a metal button. Now that is just so wonderful! It is kind of an exchange program. What a delight is that? Thrilled by What People Do ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oil Painting Abstract Cohen Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “LOVE ITSELF”

LOVE ITSELF (2208), 24" x 18" x 3/4", oils on museum quality stretched canvas framed with a black wooden frame. $195.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $25.00) This is part of my Leonard Cohen music inspired series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: Almost overnight this giant cherry tree outside my window has burst into white blossoms. Just gorgeous. The lilac tree outside my other window is full of buds and will bloom soon. I am waiting with great anticipation. When it blooms I can open my window and my entire office will be filled with the light fragrance of lilacs - Ahhh Sweet Spring ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Oil Painting Abstract Gentle Breeze Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “FUNNY WHIM”

FUNNY WHIM (2207), 14" x 11" x 3/4", oils on museum quality stretched canvas framed with a black wooden frame. $154.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $15.00) This is part of my Gentle Breeze series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: We are having what Laurel and Hardy would call “A Lot Of Weather”. It snowed yesterday, today it is sunny with blue skies and it is supposed to rain tomorrow. Living in A Lot Of Weather ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Oil Painting Abstract Cohen Series BG Morrow stretched canvas “DEMOCRACY”

DEMOCRACY (2206), 8" x 10" x 3/4", oils on museum quality stretched canvas framed with a black wooden frame. $80.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $6.00) This is part of my Leonard Cohen music inspired series. Painted in 2007. You may purchase the painting use the PayPal Buy It Now button or you may go to my secure website to make the purchase. See website connection below photo.

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: I was thinking today would be a great day to take a day off. Then I spent so much time thinking about what I might do with a day off, half of the day is gone. So, I decided to work anyways since I only had half a day left. Next time I will take the day off instead of thinking about it and wasting half a day. Working Today ~ Bonnie G. Morrow

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