Friday, December 15, 2006

“TRUE MORNING” Oil Painting Landscape Minimal Meditation BG Morrow stretched canvas

True Morning, 4 x 6 x .75", oil on stretched canvas $29.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $6.00)

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas

THOUGHTS: Well, I was all set for a long night watching the wind. It was exciting, but luckily the winds did not reach the predicted strength. As it was trees were toppling like dominoes and roads, bridges and highways were shut down because of the steady stream of trees falling. About midnight our power company quit responding to calls unless it was life threatening, as it was too dangerous for them to be out in the weather. Another lucky trend was that the hardest part of the storm did not last as long as predicted thus sparing a lot more damage. In our area the high winds pretty much died down by 1:30 with just a few random high gusts through the night. They had predicted the strength of the storm to run on through 4:00 a.m, but it didn’t around here. There are a lot of folks without power still, but the majority of highly populated areas should be back up and running by the end of the day. The less populated areas will take several days to get their power back. Our storms are very exciting, but generally not very harmful as long as one stays indoors. I am sorry to say that this storm cost 3 people their lives in western Washington. I send my condolences to their families. I find the power of wind fascinating. Have you ever tried to make a branch move by blowing on it, not easy to do - not to mention to topple a 100 foot tree by blowing on it. The power of mother nature is incredible.

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Blogger Nina Kuriloff said...

This is a beautiful landscape painting with a dreamy quality about it!

Thursday, 21 December, 2006  

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