Introduction, 6 x 8 x .75", oil on canvas *Click here to bid*

Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas
THOUGHTS: You are in Florida and you must fly a plane by yourself to a point in the Atlantic Ocean on or before a designated time or the world will be destroyed. If you fly directly from Florida passing through the Bermuda triangle you will make it to the destination with time to spare. If you fly directly from Florida and around the Bermuda triangle you will make it there right in the nick of time provided you don’t run into anything that might slow your flight like wind. Do you risk the safety of the world on your belief that the Bermuda triangle holds no special powers or do you take the safe route and go around the Bermuda triangle and take the slight risk that you might not make it on time?