“MOUNTAINS AWAY” Oil Painting Abstract Geometric BG Morrow stretched canvas PURPLE, GREEN
Mountains Away, 4 x 6 x .75", oil on stretched canvas $49.00 (shipping/insurance/tracking $6.00)
Bonnie G. Morrow, aka Ambrosia Arts, Oil and Acrylic Paintings, Fine Art Abstract original Contemporary modern paintings on canvas
THOUGHTS: When my father was a child during the depression, he so wanted a pair of roller skates. They lived in San Francisco at the time. Christmas came and sure enough he got a prized pair of roller skates. So, he climbed to the top of one of San Francisco’s famous hills, donned his roller skates with the shiny metal wheels and set off. By the time he reached the bottom of the hill, there was no wheel left. He had ground them completely down to nothing on his long and only ride down the hill.
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