Abstract Art Paintings *NEW* 1/27/06
To view and/or purchase my art go to the following websites and remember I am always delighted to do commission work:To view my eBay store go to the following URL:
http://www.stores.ebay.com/ambrosiaarts?refid=storeTo view my paintings for sale on Yessy.com go to the following URL:
http://www.yessy.com/ambrosiaartsTo view my EBSQ portfolio, interview and profile go to this URL:
http://www.ebsqart.com/Artists_cmd_28_profile_portfolio__1_5.htmTo view my work on the Abstract Earth Gallery go to this URL:
http://abstractearth.com/artist_bio.asp?artist_id=44To view my work on the Art and Design Online Registry go to this URL:

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