Introducing Bonnie G. Morrow

Original Impressionist, Expressionist, Deco, Modern Abstract Art Paintings in oils and acrylics with a Contemporary influence by Internationally Collected Artist:
Bonnie G. Morrow
From my lifelong home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I have been designing and creating for over 30 years. I am a self taught artist and my works are collected throughout the world.
I am listed in and my works shown through: Fine Art Registry, World Artist Directory,, Abstract Earth Gallery, EBSQ,, Art and Design Online.
My work is an expression of me. It expresses where my emotions are at the particular time that I create something. I try to reflect in my work the beauty and blessings that I find in the world around me and how I perceive them. I love to blend and combine colors and I also enjoy the movement and emotions that can be expressed in my art.
My motivation for creating usually comes from within me. It is a drive that cannot be refused. Ideas/visions come to me (usually overnight) for certain creations and will continue to build until the vision is crystal clear and then I must create what I see in my mind’s eye. When the vision is crystal clear, the piece just seems to flow easily and comes together perfectly.
I love to listen to music while I paint. I select the music and the paint colors that I see for the day. Once my work begins that is when the magic occurs. I usually begin by painting a painting I have in mind and then it is the paint that takes over, it seems to have a life of its own and I am merely the one who holds the brush. It is one of the most incredible feelings and I become totally engrossed in what is occurring and before I know it 3-4 hours have passed. I usually run out of daylight long before I run out of the desire to continue to paint. Once I begin painting, the ideas flow like water. At the end of the day, I am always surprised by what has been created. The hours of work are far too short and the speed at which I can paint is far too slow.
I have chosen abstract as my preferred painting form, as it allows me pure freedom of movement, color and design.
I am very passionate about all of my varied forms of artistic expression. Every piece I create takes a part of me with it. I put my heart and soul into everything that I do.
To view and/or purchase my art go to the following websites and remember I am always delighted to do commission work:
To view my eBay store go to the following URL:
To view my paintings for sale on go to the following URL:
To view my EBSQ portfolio, interview and profile go to this URL:
To view my work on the Abstract Earth Gallery go to this URL:
To view my work on the Art and Design Online Registry go to this URL:
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